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Home / Hotmelt adhesives / Pest Control Self adhesive pressure sensitive adhesives

Pest Control Self adhesive pressure sensitive adhesives

Pest Control PS HMA (Hot melt adhesive) Our Pest Control PS (pressure sensitive) HMA, developed and produced at Intercol are available in several grades, such as Rat Capture, Fly Capture, Cockroach Capture and Insect Capture.
Intercol's Rat Capture hot melt adhesive has a strong initial bond strength and is very soft.

Our Fly Capture hot melt Glue are very efficient at low coating weights. Intercol's Insect Capture Hotmelt-adhesive has excellent
bonding strength and temperature resistance.
The products can be used on e.g. Cardboard, Plastic sheets, Paper and Plastic films.
Intercol is able to export all of its adhesives worldwide, e.g. Europe, Germany, Middle East, Asia, North America, South America, Japan.

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    The Netherlands
  • +31 (0) 318 63 63 63
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  • +62 81 769 69 212