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Home / Hotmelt adhesives / Food safe packaging adhesives

Food safe packaging adhesives

Food products are often sold in cardboard boxes. This makes it vital to ensure that the food is kept safe from any suspecting raw materials contained in the packaging, including inks and adhesives, high-tech solutions may be required to prevent contamination. Cardboard boxes are known as eco-friendly because it can be recycled and that many of them are already made from recycled waste paper. Cardboard boxes may contain contaminating residues – from printing inks, adhesives and also from the ink and toner contained within the original raw materials that are uses. As soon as a box is used as food packaging it may be important to minimize contamination. Migration of residues to the food should be kept at a negligible level.
Intercol adhesives has introduced the SML range of adhesives, a safety initiative for the food packaging industry
Intercol is in advance of regulations and worldwide law initiatives. To improve the cardboard packaging even further and increase the level of food safety.

Some carton manufactures have developed its own special substrates for use with food. Using approved inks and SML adhesives, my minimize the need of a barrier coating to protect packaged food against mineral oils.
If often concerns bisphenol A and other undesirable hydrocarbon compounds.
Herewith Intercol tackles the issue at a somewhat earlier stage. The SML range of adhesives contains no mineral oils whatsoever. The underlying rationale is obvious: if there is no mineral oil in the first place, then it cannot migrate into the food.

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