A typical wall paint is made of 3 main ingredients:
- A binder; Dispersion polymer, waterbased (Acryclic, Styrene Acrylic, Vinyl Acetate Ethylene)
- A pigment, mostly TiO2 (titanium dioxide)
- Additives; optimizing application and drying performance
The binders used are mainly:
- Pure acrylics; known of their all round performance
- Styrene acrylics; know for it’s economic applications
- Vinyl-Acetate-Ethylene; for increased performance on VOC & CO2 reduction, colour stability, hydrophobic & hydrophylic balance.

Intercol is an experienced VAE formulator. Intercol has developed some special grades Interior wall paints. Besides VAE copolymers, VAE can also be Terpolymerized with:
- Acrylics; to increase adhesion, flexibility and wet scrub resistance
- Chloride; to increase hardness, wet scrub resistance and flame retardancy
With the help of VAE polymers, unique wall paints can be developed, like:
- Reduced CO2 wall paints, with biobased VAE and reduced or replaced TiO2. (While VAE increases typically the hiding power in relation to Acrylics and SA.
- Reduced VOC paints. For increased quality of air
- Preservative free paints.
- Unique plasters
- Biobased building material support (like cellulosics)
- Increase color stability applications, going beyond wall paints
Contact us for your special needs, info@intercol.nl